PLEASE, RETURN OUR grandmother's Stone!

RETURN OUR grandmother's Stone!

In the Southern of Venezuela, specifically in Canaima National Park-Bolivar State, the indigenous called Pemon are around 21,000 people divided into three distinct linguistic Caribbean groups: Arekuna, Taurus and Pam Kumaracoto.

Like most of the indigenous peoples have suffered processes of colonization, unfortunately, Colonization is threatening to destroy their culture and society.

From the 1990s until today, the Pemon have faced more hard struggles to remember in recent history, namely the imposition of an electricity cable that crosses its territory and benefits the large mining companies, the threat to build a hotel complex in the company Turisur on their land; and eventual adoption of a decree permitting the mining and forestry in the Sierra de Imataca, unique biosphere reserve and ancestral home of this community. To make matters worse, it was has added another dramatic conflict that affected his worldview and cultural identity: the Removing of the sacred stone Kueka (Called Grandmother) by the "artist" German Wolfgang Von Schwarzenfeld.

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